Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Etsy Store Redux

This past week, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes of Yvette Designs. I have decided to redo the Etsy shop which means I'll have a brand new banner, all new photos, and products to add for your viewing and shopping pleasure.

The new look is based on my personal aesthetic, influences, and inspirations. For example, the new photo background colors were inspired by my heritage and culture. My ancestry is Latin, but my culture, being born and raised in Louisiana, is Cajun. The violet, mustard, and green backgrounds are representative of my love for New Orleans, while the deep red, and again mustard are symbols of my Latin heritage.

Some of the props in the photos have meaning for me as well like the peacock feather, which is used frequently in Mardi Gras masks, and the dahlia flower which was the flower I chose for my wedding. Finally, one of the last things I need to do to personalize the store is to add a banner. I'm hoping to get it finished by the end of the week. While the store does not yet have the completed look, you can view it in its early metamorphosis.

I would like to know what you think of the shop's new look. Please feel free to comment here and let me know if there is anything I can do to make the store better. Thanks to all of you, my readers.


Unknown said...

Thank you for the visit. I love this photo of your necklace with the red bird prop!

Monica Yvette said...

Thanks Stephanie. I had fun with these photos.

BellaColle said...

That purple heart necklace is sooo pretty!