Friday, June 8, 2007

Studio Friday Topic: SP(E)ACIAL!

Take a look around you at your studio much space do you have?
Take a look at your does your space influence your art in any way? Do you create small or large art works? Do you see a parallel?
Take a look at your dream studio space (yippieh!)...what does it look like? What is the layout? Is it big or small? And most important of all: What art do you create in it? Will it be on a larger or smaller scale than before? And what can you do to get closer to your vision this week/month/year?

This topic is perfect for my state of mind this week. Lately, I've been dreaming up plans to make my current studio space the perfect place for me and my budding business. As things are now, I have quite a large desk space where I make YD jewelry. It has storage shelves on one side, a magazine rack on the other (and boy did I fill it). The table, originally made for a seamstress, also has two deep filing cabinets built in, which I eventually plan to house my shipping supplies in. What more could this girl want, right? Wrong.

I've realized that I am truly a mess maker. Usually, if I've been working, my desk looks like a tornado hit it. Then, I don't want to do paper work or computer work at the desk because it really just stresses me out. Next, I end up avoiding the room entirely. That's why I'm close to moving the day bed (from the opposite side of the room)out and bringing in a desk for paper work and such fun things.
As far as a my dream studio goes, I would love to have a little, airy, sunny backyard cottage to work in. I'm warming to the idea of having a prettily painted pegboard installed, in whatever space I have, where I'll hang strands of gemstones. It seems like the perfect bead storage solution for me, since I find it easier when I can see what I have to work with.


Unknown said...

Your desk is so clean and ready to go!! I would LIVE in that lovely cottage studio....ahhh

Marcia said...

I really like those white filing cabinets and rolling chairs. Of course a cottage studio would be wonderful.....

Pegboard is great. I had it in my gargage at my last house and it made it so easy to locate tools and such. Be sure to get the thicker type; the flimsy kind doesn't hold the pegs very well.

Stephanie said...

omg i would LOVE to have an organized desk area like that, lol. :)

A Punkin Card Company said...

My craft room is also the storage room and I get no inspiration at all! I do have a nice view outside if a magnolia tree where some blue birds live.
I totally want a large craft room and when we move, I am getting one!
Good luck on your craft cottage! Sounds amazing!

Abbie said...

Love the dreamin'! Its gotta start somewhere and the cottage looks devinely inspiring!
:) Abbie