Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Website Update and More

It's been a busy couple of weeks here trying to get the new Yvette Designs website up and running. So far, I have completed the index, and it's looking good. Be looking forward to a clean, colorful, (it makes me think of candy) fun website.

Today, my goal was to make a bunch of earrings for the "store". I tend to make more necklaces than anything, but I think after today, I have a new found love for earring making. I just completed 7 pairs in one sitting. Turning my bead board into a production line really did the trick for me. I just piled beads on headpins until I had enough earrings to satisfy me. Then I got to looping, twisting, and hanging them from French ear wires. It was a cinch!

I've been listening to my newly downloaded c.d., "Wincing the Night Away" by the Shins. I love this c.d.! Yesterday, at work, I listened to it for the first time on Eggbert, my iPod while I soldered and polished jump rings for an hour. I've come to the conclusion that music was made by and for creative types. Think about it, creative work usually requires little to no heavy thinking. You just move your hands and let intuition take over. Meanwhile, I have the opportunity to really listen to the lyrics and to tonal changes, ebbs, and flow.

1 comment:

A Punkin Card Company said...

Wow! You have teo blogs now! Lucky you. How is the "store" going?