Friday, May 11, 2007

New York Fashion Week Jewelry Report : Necklaces

New York's fashion week has come and gone, but the trends will be with us through the spring and summer months. Are you up on the latest?

Necklace fashions are leaning toward a layer up aesthetic, as seen in Chris Aire, Ralph Lauren, and Carmen Marc Volvo's collections, to name a few. Simple pendants and chain in gold, and silver were seen in abundance on the runway. Chain lengths seem to vary from 16" to 20" .

In jewelry fashion, the colors that made the biggest statements were:
Southwest colors such as tan, clay, orange, brown, and...

sea inspired colors such as light blue greens, Caribbean blues, cool silver, and white.

Check back regularly for more jewelry fashion updates. Happy shopping, everyone!

1 comment:

BellaColle said...

I just went shopping last night and you know what? I saw the colors you were talking about! The whole front of Banana Republic was the last color scheme you listed. Awsome! Gonna check back often so I can stay up on stuff!